All of these designs are inspired by either Jared's life or his buddy Robert's, who also lost his earthly life prematurely. All proceeds of this collection are given to families going through a tragic time or organizations in need of funds.
Because of our many GRATEFUL moments and having FAITH in a larger plan beyond our understanding, we as a family will continue to give back to those in need the best way that we know how.
Check out our "Angels in Heaven" collection and be apart of our giving back campaign. All of these designs are inspired by either Jared's life or his buddy Robert's, who also lost his earthly life prematurely. The vibrant royal blue 70' Chevelle was the car Jared purchased after he was diagnosed with cancer and unable to play football. We still cherish this sweet ride as a family today. Robert's favorite quote was "Life is so easy, it's just great" and he happened to say it to his family the day he unexpectedly passed away.
All proceeds of this collection are given to families going through a tragic time or organizations in need of funds.
As you wear one of these sweet tees, remember to appreciate all the BLESSINGS your life has to offer.
Life is SHORT, enjoy the ride!!
The Jacob Family